Losing my grandmother

One of the worst losses of my personal life is the passing of my grandmother. She and I were peas in a pod and were very close. Here is a little poem I wrote her to try and cheer her up once the cancer really started to decimate her. 

A Poem for Grandma

A very wise lady, that lives all alone, so many things, she's taught me and shown. Lives life with grace and on principle will not budge, Splendid host, try her homemade Christmas fudge. Smiles a lot, contagiously cheerful, brave like a lion, rarely she's fearful. Mouth-watering dishes, I love when she cooks, wisdom in stories, you won't find in books. She's my grandmother, fantastically unique, always listens, when I wish to speak. She's from the present, future, and past, the love that she shows me: way beyond vast!One word of caution so don't be a fool. Best follow her rules or she will swat your ass by the pool.