
Yosemite, September 2016

Yosemite, September 2016

A quick get away to Yosemite in September. It was last minute but turned out to be a great adventure. We only came up to finish the hike to the top of Nevada Falls that we were unable to complete in our last trip because of ice and snow blocking the trail. We are hardcore but choose not enough to risk getting killed or injured just to finish a hike. So, we came in for an overnighter and crushed the trail the next morning and came home. Fun!

tough mudder, 2016

tough mudder, 2016

This was my fourth Tough Mudder and Heather's second. We had so much fun but it was so crowded that the lines for obstacles kind of took the momentum and and fun of it. I appreciate so many people trying to do an physically active event but there is also a point where "doing it just to do it" not only puts the deconditioned person at risk, it also reduces the enjoyment of the course for everyone around them. …